Subhransu Sekhar Mandal
  Major Insudtries

Major Industries

The state of orissa is committed to industrial development and stress is being laid on the exploitation of the rich agricultural, marine and mineral resources and tourism to provide the leverage for accelerated industrialization. There already exists a substantial industrial base, comprising of a number of large, medium and small-scale enterprises in steel, aluminium, chrome, power, textile, handicraft and a host of other sectors. The thrust is on agro processing, electronics and software, aluminium industries, gems & jewellery, automobile, basic drugs and pharmaceuticals, petro-chemicals and export oriented units.


Orissa's main agriculture products are rice, pulse, oil seeds, vegetables, groundnut, cotton, jute, coconut, spices, potato, cansugar, fruits etc.

There is a vast scope for agro based industries as: rice milling, Dal milling, edible oil milling, dehydration of vegetables, maize milling, cattle poultry, cotton oil, potato chips, coconut oil, sugar mills, mushroom cultivation, non edible oils and many more agro based industries.

There is also a wide scope for food processing small scale industries as: spice grinding, ginger powder, fruits, soft drinks, cornflakes, tomato sauce, squash-jam-jelly etc.

Forest Based Industries

Orissa state is enriched with vast forest resources. There is a vast scope for the forest based industries as: wooden furniture, seal seed oil, neem oil, natural gums, biri making, agarbati sticks, palm rose oil, mahua rectified spirit, manufacturing of cane, ayurvedic medicine, plywood, resins, mulberry silk, leaf plates, bee keeping for honey processing etc.


Orissa is one of the country's richest state in mineral resources. The mineral belt is spread over in an area more than 6000 sq. km. The chief minerals found in the state are: Iron, Coal, Bauxite, Manganese, Nickel, Chromite, Lime stone Dolomite, Graphite, Decorative stones, Beach sand, China clay,Tin ore etc.


National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), the largest Aluminium producing plant in India was incorporated in 1981. This plant is located at Koraput District of Orissa. Its smelter and power plant is at Angul and Dhenkanal Districts. Aluminium ore is mined from Panchpatmali. It uses the port facilities at Vishakapatnam.

Alumina Refinery is at Damanjodi in Koraput District. In operation since 1986, the refinery is designed to provide 450,000 tonnes of Alumina to the company's smelter at Angul and balance Alumina is exported through Vishakapatnam port. The present capacity of the refinery is increased to 1575,000 tonnes per annum.
The Alumina smelter located at Angul; have a capacity of 2,30,000 tonnes per annum with advanced 180 KA Cell technology.

The second aluminium plant is established at Hirakud in the Sambalpur District. The downstream industries for National Aluminium Co. Ltd. are:

  • Fused Alumina (5000 TPA)
  • Special Alumina (15000 TPA)
  • Aluminium slugs and Circles (800 TPA)
  • Aluminium powder (3000 TPA)
  • Aluminium Collapsible Fubes (100 million TPA)
  • Flyash Bricks (30 million bricks PA).


There are two big Ferro Manganese plants in operation in the State. First Ferro-Manganese plant located at Joda in Keonjhar District is run by The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. The second plant at Rayagada in Koraput District is managed by Jeypore Sugar Co. Ltd. Both the plants get power from Hirakud Machhakund Hydro-electric projects.

A Ferro Silicon plant in Theruveli; about 20 kms from Rayagada in Koraput started in 1967. A Silicon Carbide plant is established at Theruveli to manufacture Silicon carbide. Two main companies engaged in manufacturing Ferro-Alloys are Indian Metal & Ferro Alloys Ltd.; manufacturer of Ferro Chrome and Krishna Ferro Products Ltd.; situated in the Rourkela Industrial Town.


There are two large scale Cement factories in the State. First cement factory; The Orissa Cement Ltd. is a joint venture of Orissa State Government and M/s. Dalmia Jain Agencies Ltd. This factory is located at Rajganjpur.

The other cement factory; the Hira Cement Works was set up at Bardol near Bargarh by The Industrial Development Corporation of Orissa Ltd. (IDCOL). This factory manufactures portland cement. The main raw material - lime stone is used from Dungri quarry.


There are three major Paper mills in the State. The first paper mill was established at Brajarjnagar in 1939. The main raw material bamboo is available in the forests of the State.

This factory produces paper and paper board.

The second paper mill was established at Rayagada in 1962.
The third paper mill is located at Choudwar in 1960. The main products are paper, pulp and alum.


There are five large sugar mills in the State. The sugar mills are located at:

  • Asika in Ganjam District,
  • Baragarh in Samalpur,
  • Nayegarh in Puri District,
  • Baramba in Cuttack District.

There are four big fertilizer plants in Orissa. The first plant located at Rourkela in Sundergarh District is Public Sector Undertaking. This plant utilizes the by products and surplus gas from the Rourkela Steel Plant.

The second fertilizer plant - The Orissa Fertilizer and Chemical Limited is located near Kalunga. The capacity of this fertilizer plant is 45,000 tones per annum.

The third fertilizer plant is located at Talcher in Dhenkanal District. It produces 495,000 tonnes of Urea and 228,000 tonnes of Nitrogen.

The fourth fertilizer plant - The Indian Farmers and Fertilizers Corporation Ltd. is located at Baragarh. It produces mixed fertilizer.

A new phosphate fertilizer complex at Paradeep, a joint venture of Island Republic of Nauru and Government of India has been built. It produces Di-Ammonium Phosphate with a capacity of 2,400 tones per day in first phase. Its second phase also started and produces Phosphoric Acid and Phosphorus Pentaoxide.

Iron & Steel

Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) Rourkela Steel plant is the first integrated steel plant set up after independence by the Govt. of India. This steel plant has been set up under technical collaboration of Germany. It has a capacity to produce 1.9 million TPA of crude steel. RSP manufactures a wide range of flat products. RSP adopted the L.D. process of steel making. The plant has continuous casting facilities, 100 per cent BOF, secondary steel refining units and a modernized Hot Strip Mill.

RSP has capacity to produce higher grades of steel like CRNO M36/M27, API 5L X-10, ASTM and Auto Chasis steel. RSP is the only priviledged manufacturer of large Diameter Spirally Welded Pipes and Silicon steel for electrical industries.


  • Concast Mild Steel Slabs.
  • Mild Steel Hot Rolled Sheets in Coils.
  • Cold Rolled Coils & Sheets.
  • Electrical Sheets (CRNO).
  • Tin Plates.
  • Galvanised Sheets.
  • Mild Steel Plate Mill Plates.
  • Mild Steel Pipes (ERW & SW Pipes).

Rourkela Steel Plant Achieved all time best production records in all major areas during the month of December 2001. Rourkela Steel Plant not only achieved highest ever production of saleable steel at about 1,30,000 tonnes during December 2001, but also dispatches of 1,31,000 tonnes of finished steel, an all time high record. HR coils constitute 45% component in saleable steel also recorded highest production.

The capacity utilisation levels in the major areas achieved during December 2001 has been : coke ovens (with available overs) 95%, sinster Plant- II 110%, are Bedding and Blending Plant 82%, steel meit shop - II 96%, Hot strip mill 98%.

Dr. Sanak Mishra is the Managing Director of RSP.
Rourkela Steel Plant
Rourkela, Orissa 769011.
Phone : 0661-510641-46
Fax : 0661-510085

The other iron & steel industry is Kalinga Iron Works; located in Keonjhar district; managed by Industrial Development Corporation of Orissa Ltd. (IDCOL).

In recent years; there has been mushroom growth of Sponge Iron units i.e. DRI plants in the iron ore mining areas. The capacity of these units range from 50 TPD to 500 TPD. These units are located on the pit head and saves on transportation cost of the major raw material i.e. iron ore.


Handloom is the most important traditional industry of orissa. The Handloom Indstruy is famous for its excellent artistic and superior craftmanship. The handloon fabrics of Orissa with exquisite craftmanship and colour combination with traditional design and motifs have establishd a pride of place in the domestic as well as international market.
Handloom items of Orissa have the following specialities.

  • Tie and Dye method of colour combination.
  • Unique design and superior quality.
  • Tassar Fabrics of indigeneous silk special to Orissa and Chotnagpur plateau.
Information Technology

Orissa , though not that much developed in other industrial sectors , but in the field of Information technology it is a very advance state in India. The hub of Information Technology of the state is National Informatics Centre .In addition Software Technological Park, OCAC, Orissa State Electronic development Corporation, and above all the Info City , which attracts large number of companies to set up their venture here , are major IT development agencies.

NITPUs(National Information Technology Promotional Unit), NIC, Bhubaneswar
NITPU is the ISP for the Orissa state. It provides web hosting services, internet connectivity, providing e-mail facilities to various Government Departments ,Public Sectors and educational institutes. It takes a major roll for web based online publishing of various results of educational institutions. For details click the site

Orissa State Electronics Development Corporation

The Orissa State Electronics Development Corporation (OSEDC), a wholly owned corporation of the Govt. of Orissa, has been designated as the nodal organization for promotion of the IT sector in the state. It is a promotional organization without any commercial goal. Information Technology Department, Govt. of Orissa, is the administrative department for OSEDC.

Location: Shed No.201-202, Sector-A, Zone-B, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar - 751010.Major Industries

The state of orissa is committed to industrial development and stress is being laid on the exploitation of the rich agricultural, marine and mineral resources and tourism to provide the leverage for accelerated industrialization. There already exists a substantial industrial base, comprising of a number of large, medium and small-scale enterprises in steel, aluminium, chrome, power, textile, handicraft and a host of other sectors. The thrust is on agro processing, electronics and software, aluminium industries, gems & jewellery, automobile, basic drugs and pharmaceuticals, petro-chemicals and export oriented units.


Orissa's main agriculture products are rice, pulse, oil seeds, vegetables, groundnut, cotton, jute, coconut, spices, potato, cansugar, fruits etc.

There is a vast scope for agro based industries as: rice milling, Dal milling, edible oil milling, dehydration of vegetables, maize milling, cattle poultry, cotton oil, potato chips, coconut oil, sugar mills, mushroom cultivation, non edible oils and many more agro based industries.

There is also a wide scope for food processing small scale industries as: spice grinding, ginger powder, fruits, soft drinks, cornflakes, tomato sauce, squash-jam-jelly etc.

Forest Based Industries

Orissa state is enriched with vast forest resources. There is a vast scope for the forest based industries as: wooden furniture, seal seed oil, neem oil, natural gums, biri making, agarbati sticks, palm rose oil, mahua rectified spirit, manufacturing of cane, ayurvedic medicine, plywood, resins, mulberry silk, leaf plates, bee keeping for honey processing etc.


Orissa is one of the country's richest state in mineral resources. The mineral belt is spread over in an area more than 6000 sq. km. The chief minerals found in the state are: Iron, Coal, Bauxite, Manganese, Nickel, Chromite, Lime stone Dolomite, Graphite, Decorative stones, Beach sand, China clay,Tin ore etc.


National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), the largest Aluminium producing plant in India was incorporated in 1981. This plant is located at Koraput District of Orissa. Its smelter and power plant is at Angul and Dhenkanal Districts. Aluminium ore is mined from Panchpatmali. It uses the port facilities at Vishakapatnam.

Alumina Refinery is at Damanjodi in Koraput District. In operation since 1986, the refinery is designed to provide 450,000 tonnes of Alumina to the company's smelter at Angul and balance Alumina is exported through Vishakapatnam port. The present capacity of the refinery is increased to 1575,000 tonnes per annum.
The Alumina smelter located at Angul; have a capacity of 2,30,000 tonnes per annum with advanced 180 KA Cell technology.

The second aluminium plant is established at Hirakud in the Sambalpur District. The downstream industries for National Aluminium Co. Ltd. are:

  • Fused Alumina (5000 TPA)
  • Special Alumina (15000 TPA)
  • Aluminium slugs and Circles (800 TPA)
  • Aluminium powder (3000 TPA)
  • Aluminium Collapsible Fubes (100 million TPA)
  • Flyash Bricks (30 million bricks PA).


There are two big Ferro Manganese plants in operation in the State. First Ferro-Manganese plant located at Joda in Keonjhar District is run by The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. The second plant at Rayagada in Koraput District is managed by Jeypore Sugar Co. Ltd. Both the plants get power from Hirakud Machhakund Hydro-electric projects.

A Ferro Silicon plant in Theruveli; about 20 kms from Rayagada in Koraput started in 1967. A Silicon Carbide plant is established at Theruveli to manufacture Silicon carbide. Two main companies engaged in manufacturing Ferro-Alloys are Indian Metal & Ferro Alloys Ltd.; manufacturer of Ferro Chrome and Krishna Ferro Products Ltd.; situated in the Rourkela Industrial Town.


There are two large scale Cement factories in the State. First cement factory; The Orissa Cement Ltd. is a joint venture of Orissa State Government and M/s. Dalmia Jain Agencies Ltd. This factory is located at Rajganjpur.

The other cement factory; the Hira Cement Works was set up at Bardol near Bargarh by The Industrial Development Corporation of Orissa Ltd. (IDCOL). This factory manufactures portland cement. The main raw material - lime stone is used from Dungri quarry.


There are three major Paper mills in the State. The first paper mill was established at Brajarjnagar in 1939. The main raw material bamboo is available in the forests of the State.

This factory produces paper and paper board.

The second paper mill was established at Rayagada in 1962.
The third paper mill is located at Choudwar in 1960. The main products are paper, pulp and alum.


There are five large sugar mills in the State. The sugar mills are located at:

  • Asika in Ganjam District,
  • Baragarh in Samalpur,
  • Nayegarh in Puri District,
  • Baramba in Cuttack District.


There are four big fertilizer plants in Orissa. The first plant located at Rourkela in Sundergarh District is Public Sector Undertaking. This plant utilizes the by products and surplus gas from the Rourkela Steel Plant.

The second fertilizer plant - The Orissa Fertilizer and Chemical Limited is located near Kalunga. The capacity of this fertilizer plant is 45,000 tones per annum.

The third fertilizer plant is located at Talcher in Dhenkanal District. It produces 495,000 tonnes of Urea and 228,000 tonnes of Nitrogen.

The fourth fertilizer plant - The Indian Farmers and Fertilizers Corporation Ltd. is located at Baragarh. It produces mixed fertilizer.

A new phosphate fertilizer complex at Paradeep, a joint venture of Island Republic of Nauru and Government of India has been built. It produces Di-Ammonium Phosphate with a capacity of 2,400 tones per day in first phase. Its second phase also started and produces Phosphoric Acid and Phosphorus Pentaoxide.

Iron & Steel

Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) Rourkela Steel plant is the first integrated steel plant set up after independence by the Govt. of India. This steel plant has been set up under technical collaboration of Germany. It has a capacity to produce 1.9 million TPA of crude steel. RSP manufactures a wide range of flat products. RSP adopted the L.D. process of steel making. The plant has continuous casting facilities, 100 per cent BOF, secondary steel refining units and a modernized Hot Strip Mill.

RSP has capacity to produce higher grades of steel like CRNO M36/M27, API 5L X-10, ASTM and Auto Chasis steel. RSP is the only priviledged manufacturer of large Diameter Spirally Welded Pipes and Silicon steel for electrical industries.


  • Concast Mild Steel Slabs.
  • Mild Steel Hot Rolled Sheets in Coils.
  • Cold Rolled Coils & Sheets.
  • Electrical Sheets (CRNO).
  • Tin Plates.
  • Galvanised Sheets.
  • Mild Steel Plate Mill Plates.
  • Mild Steel Pipes (ERW & SW Pipes).

Rourkela Steel Plant Achieved all time best production records in all major areas during the month of December 2001. Rourkela Steel Plant not only achieved highest ever production of saleable steel at about 1,30,000 tonnes during December 2001, but also dispatches of 1,31,000 tonnes of finished steel, an all time high record. HR coils constitute 45% component in saleable steel also recorded highest production.

The capacity utilisation levels in the major areas achieved during December 2001 has been : coke ovens (with available overs) 95%, sinster Plant- II 110%, are Bedding and Blending Plant 82%, steel meit shop - II 96%, Hot strip mill 98%.

Dr. Sanak Mishra is the Managing Director of RSP.
Rourkela Steel Plant
Rourkela, Orissa 769011.
Phone : 0661-510641-46
Fax : 0661-510085

The other iron & steel industry is Kalinga Iron Works; located in Keonjhar district; managed by Industrial Development Corporation of Orissa Ltd. (IDCOL).

In recent years; there has been mushroom growth of Sponge Iron units i.e. DRI plants in the iron ore mining areas. The capacity of these units range from 50 TPD to 500 TPD. These units are located on the pit head and saves on transportation cost of the major raw material i.e. iron ore.


Handloom is the most important traditional industry of orissa. The Handloom Indstruy is famous for its excellent artistic and superior craftmanship. The handloon fabrics of Orissa with exquisite craftmanship and colour combination with traditional design and motifs have establishd a pride of place in the domestic as well as international market.
Handloom items of Orissa have the following specialities.

  • Tie and Dye method of colour combination.
  • Unique design and superior quality.
  • Tassar Fabrics of indigeneous silk special to Orissa and Chotnagpur plateau.

Information Technology

Orissa , though not that much developed in other industrial sectors , but in the field of Information technology it is a very advance state in India. The hub of Information Technology of the state is National Informatics Centre .In addition Software Technological Park, OCAC, Orissa State Electronic development Corporation, and above all the Info City , which attracts large number of companies to set up their venture here , are major IT development agencies.

NITPUs(National Information Technology Promotional Unit), NIC, Bhubaneswar
NITPU is the ISP for the Orissa state. It provides web hosting services, internet connectivity, providing e-mail facilities to various Government Departments ,Public Sectors and educational institutes. It takes a major roll for web based online publishing of various results of educational institutions. For details click the site

Orissa State Electronics Development Corporation

The Orissa State Electronics Development Corporation (OSEDC), a wholly owned corporation of the Govt. of Orissa, has been designated as the nodal organization for promotion of the IT sector in the state. It is a promotional organization without any commercial goal. Information Technology Department, Govt. of Orissa, is the administrative department for OSEDC.

Location: Shed No.201-202, Sector-A, Zone-B, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar - 751010.

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